Diana Nutting British Library Business & IP Centre
Jinfo Blog

17th June 2009

By Diana Nutting


For those of us in London the British Library Business and Intellectual Property Centre is an invaluable resource for market reports and trade publications as well as for patent information. But there is also useful information, on the Centre's newly relaunched website.

The website has been re-designed with new layout and has a number of new features including success stories, which are videos featuring entrepreneurs who have started and grown their businesses with the help of the centre, and information on the databases and publications that readers can access including market research reports, both in hard copy and from electronic sources, company databases covering company information from over 70 countries, patents and trade press, as well as business news in both electronic and hard copy formats.

For those physically able to go to the Business and IP centre, which was launched in March 2006 to support entrepreneurs, inventors and small businesses from that first spark of inspiration to successfully launching and developing a business. There are a also a number of courses and workshops on business related matters (http://www.bl.uk/bipc/)

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