Penny Crossland Business information from the Middle East
Jinfo Blog

16th June 2009

By Penny Crossland


As a due diligence researcher I am always to eager to learn about sources for hard-to-find information. Therefore, it was with interest that I read about the addition of Arabia Inform ( to East View Information Services’ ( online content. Arabia Inform, a well-established provider of media monitoring services and analysis in the Middle East, claims to have the largest digital press and online archive in the region. Two of its databases, Middle East Monitor ( and AskZad ( now have English-language interfaces, which will open up a wealth of content to academics, scientists and business information professionals. While AskZad provides access to a press archive of more than 600 Arabic language newspapers and journals, conference materials, reference sources and scientific journals, the Middle East Monitor covers news from television and radio stations and web 2.0 sources amongst others. East View Information Services is launching the AskZad service at the SLA conference in Washington this week and has already announced a further database aimed at corporations with subsidiaries or interests in the region for launch this summer. It would seem that Zawya (, which in 2006 entered in to a partnership with Dow Jones to Middle Eastern business and company information, may now have a competitor for its English-language service. East View Information Services, which has long been providing Eastern European and Asian content has recently added Middle Eastern content to its portfolio and, as recently reported by Livewire ( has been marketing its services more aggressively.

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