Diana Nutting EBRD Directory of Information Sources
Jinfo Blog

20th January 2009

By Diana Nutting


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) http://www.ebrd.com has published the 2009 edition of its Directory of Business Information Sources on Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS. In this time of economic downturn across the world the ability to monitor the economic, business and political policies adopted in the countries of central and eastern Europe will be crucial for researchers, analysts, investors and business owners to identify and evaluate the potential and risks associated with these economies. The EBRD is the largest single investor in the region and mobilises significant foreign direct investment beyond its own financing. It is owned by 61 countries and two intergovernmental institutions. It provides project financing for banks, industries and businesses, both new ventures and investments in existing companies. It also works with publicly owned companies, to support privatisation, restructuring state-owned firms and improvement of municipal services. Therefore in the course of its work, the EBRD identifies and evaluates a large volume of business information relevant to the region and the directory is designed to provide access to over 3,000 sources of business intelligence both in printed form and online, via a searchable database. Each entry includes descriptive summaries and active links to email and web addresses of the sources included. A printed edition is also available. Go to Data Resources at http://digbig.com/4ydhh for ordering information.

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