Udo Hohlfeld CARE Affiliates sells assets to LibLime
Jinfo Blog

5th August 2008

By Udo Hohlfeld


CARE Affiliates sells assets to LibLime CARE Affiliates (http://digbig.com/4xgxb) and LibLime (http://digbig.com/4xgxa) are both provider of open source solutions for libraries. By July 29, 2008, LibLime has agreed to acquire CARE Affiliates. The acquisition includes products, related services, and domain names along with associated service contracts. Final closing is scheduled for August 2008. The reason for this move lies in the fact, that Carl Grant, president of CARE Affiliates will be taking a new position as president of Ex Libris, North America, effective immediately. As both vendors developed open source solutions, existing customers of CARE Affiliates don’t need to worry about switching to new solutions. LibLime will continue from where CARE Affiliates stopped. For LibLime this is the third acquisition since the company’s inception in 2005. Earlier acquisitions include Ohio-based Skemotah Solutions and Katipo Communications’ Koha division in New Zealand. LibLime helps libraries to benefit from open source solutions, so that they can provide sophisticated services to their user communities. Services LibLime offers are: implementation, customization, support, and training of open source solutions.

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