Udo Hohlfeld Yahoo Babelfish challenged by Google Translate
Jinfo Blog

5th August 2008

By Udo Hohlfeld


Yahoo Babelfish challenged by Google Translate Babelfish (http://babelfish.yahoo.com) is a well known tool for translating web content into other languages. For years, it has competed with Google Translate (http://translate.google.com), which still is in Beta phase. According to the website SearchEngineWatch Google Translate now entered into a new level of service by soon offering help from human translators (http://digbig.com/4xgwk). Yet, no date for going live has been announced. When the new service will be live, Google's automated translation service will be extended by human translators to process documents upon request. Google will provide a registry of professional and volunteer translators. The service is called "Google Translation Center" and can be accessed at http://digbig.com/4xgwm - as the service is not yet live, no login is possible. The webpage states: (quote) "Welcome to Google Translation Center Request, provide, and review translations Request translations and find translators. Upload your document and request translations into over 40 languages. Translate and review translated documents Create and review content in your language through Google's free, easy-to-use, online translation tools." (quote end) The question is how this open market place model for text translation will look like and work. More news can be expected soon. Just a few months ago a fee based translation service has started in the internet: German startup "tolingo translations" (http://digbig.com/4xgwp) offers a market place for translations with various service levels. Google Translation Center seems to be very similar to what tolingo offers.

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