The business of space: expands further.
Jinfo Blog

1st May 2008


At first glance an article about a space web site might not be priority reading for those who follow the business and commercial information market. However if you are involved in the financing or insuring of the space or aviation industry then might be a site worth investigating. This site has an interesting history. According to a recent piece in the Financial Times the original site was created by Lou Dobbs, who left CNN to pursue his hobby. The original business failed and Dobbs returned to television but it has been rescued as the renamed Imaginova backed by a number of investors: Blue Chip Venture Capital, Gannett Co., Inc., RedShift Ventures, Steelpoint Capital Partners, and, Venrock Associates. To expand the reach of the company was launched in 2004 and was added later. The full complement of sites under is LiveScience, Aviation, Space News, Newarama (comic book site for science fiction enthusiasts), adAstra Online (the magazine of the National Space Society), Seti (explores life in the universe), Starry Night (sells astronomy products), and Orion (sells telescopes and binoculars). Even if you do not have a business reason to visit this site I encourage you to do so – who does not marvel at the night sky?

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