IE Market Research added to Thomson Research
Jinfo Blog

10th March 2008


IE Market Research added to Thomson Research Select Collection Canadian market research company IE Market Research (IEMR) has entered into a revenue sharing arrangement with the Thomson Corporation to make its Mobile Forecast, Industry Outlook, and Competitor Insight Reports available via Thomson Research IEMR, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, is a privately-held market intelligence and business strategy research and consulting firm. According to its web site the company concentrates on wireless telecommunications, health care/biotechnology, finance, and public opinion research. It is the first of these sectors, wireless telecommunications, which has been added to Thomson Research, whose purpose is to provide access to company information and analyst research reports from a large number of sources, mostly sell side institutions. The IEMR telecoms reports will be available via Thomson Research’s Select Collection - part of the exclusive embargoed part of the product. Thomson Research comprises Investment Research, known by the Investext brand; Select Collection Premium Research, containing reports from contributors unlikely to be found anywhere else; Market Research; and, Trade Association Research, known as Industry Insider. Thomson Research is available from a number of Thomson products, namely, Thomson ONE Investment Banking, Thomson ONE Institutional Equities, via Thomson Datafeeds, and, through third party distributors.

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