Joanna Ptolomey Coalition calling: focusing the research efforts in the LIS industry [ABSTRACT]
Jinfo Blog

6th April 2010

By Joanna Ptolomey


The LIS Research Coalition was founded about a year ago and is bringing badly needed co-ordination to LIS research in the UK. Their role in facilitating a strategic approach, developing the research capacity and generally being a central focus for LIS research will play an important role in future research.


The LIS Research Coalition was founded about a year ago and is bringing badly needed co-ordination to LIS research in the UK. Their role in facilitating a strategic approach, developing the research capacity and generally being a central focus for LIS research will play an important role in future research.

What's inside

The LIS Research Coalition will be communicating its message outwards, but it is also looking for a communication stream inwards towards the Coalition. There is a need for intelligence from the LIS industry and its professionals - suggestions for content, news of research and help with building the evidence base.


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