Douglas  Laird Business Insight: BestForBusiness [ABSTRACT]
Jinfo Blog

21st May 2009

By Douglas Laird


With 'only' ninety years as Birmingham Central Library's business information system, Business Insight is still finding ways to stay relevant. During the current economic crisis, that means the creation and launch of BestForBusiness, a new business trading platform that works as an online and physical service for every business, individual or organisation in the UK. Douglas Laird explains the components and benefits of BestForBusiness, as well as his ambitious plans for the platform's growth.


With 'only' ninety years as Birmingham Central Library's business information system, Business Insight is still finding ways to stay relevant. During the current economic crisis, that means the creation and launch of BestForBusiness, a new business trading platform that works as an online and physical service for every business, individual or organisation in the UK. Douglas Laird explains the components and benefits of BestForBusiness, as well as his ambitious plans for the platform's growth.

What's Inside:

Now some of you may be thinking 'But where's the business information?' My point is: without a coherent plan for finance, sustainability and responsibility, what is the point of the product? Specialists like us need to take more heed of the advice and information we give out and apply those principles to our own work, rather than simply developing another stand-alone product.


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