Hallie Wilfert Web Analytics and Information Architecture [ABSTRACT]
Jinfo Blog

30th November 2008

By Hallie Wilfert


Web analytics might be considered a web designer's best friend, because it provides a quick and quantifiable means of interpreting user behaviour. But too many Information Architects still need a reminder to 'think like a user'. Hallie Wilfert explains how to starting using web statistics data to inform information architecture and site design more effectively.


Web analytics might be considered a web designer's best friend, because it provides a quick and quantifiable means of interpreting user behaviour. But too many Information Architects still need a reminder to 'think like a user'. Hallie Wilfert explains how to starting using web statistics data to inform information architecture and site design more effectively.

What's Inside

Many designers balk at using web analytics because they are intimidated by the numbers and the potential complexity of the analysis. I will share a little secret with you - you do not need to be a statistician to use or interpret web analytics. What you do need to be is a good interpreter - something that most IAs already are, because what analytics tell you is the story of your web site over time.


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