Evaluating Researchers: Developing a Skills Matrix [ABSTRACT]
Jinfo Blog
1st February 2008
We probably all have an idea of what a good researcher is capable of doing and what kind of skills that person possesses. We also know when we provide good quality and what kind of skills we use when doing this - or do we?
We probably all have an idea of what a good researcher is capable of doing and what kind of skills that person possesses. We also know when we provide good quality and what kind of skills we use when doing this - or do we?
What's Inside:
When you select the key skill areas you need to consider all the different areas in which your staff is involved. Although your team may be doing mostly research, there is still considerable work that makes daily research possible such as setting up the infrastructure, maintaining contacts, sharing knowledge and identifying relevant sources. There may also be aspects of internal marketing of your team and general participation in the life of the organisation.
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- Evaluating Researchers: Developing a Skills Matrix
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