Robin Neidorf Value Chain analysis connects the dots to impact
Jinfo Blog

19th August 2021

By Robin Neidorf


Shift the conversation from service provision to business outcomes and find out how information strategy can support your goals.


It happened again today:

During a client workshop delivered as part of our Consulting on Value Chain, I shifted the conversation away from what services the department provides. Instead, we were talking about business outcomes:

  • Shortening the R&D cycle
  • Improving the success of mergers and acquisitions
  • Expanding the number and diversity of active projects in development.

For every one of these outcomes, the team was able to quickly list two or three or ten ways information strategy could support that goal.

I know from Jinfo's experience that if they implement even a small number of those ideas, they will have a measurable impact in the business. They will demonstrate and enhance their value as essential contributors to efficient and innovative R&D. And they'll be able to do so pretty quickly.

It's an exciting moment when the team connects the dots of Value Chain analysis. Suddenly, they have a whole new way of communicating – and actually enhancing – their value. The impact of information products, services and expertise becomes tangible.

Jinfo's Focus on Value Chain can transform how you think, plan, operate and communicate. Contact us to enquire about getting started with your own future transformation.

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