Jinfo Blog

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Stephen Phillips GenAI in the news, access to private company data evolves and suppliers are getting to grips with AI
5th June 2024

How was AI in the news (again) last month?  US private company information, you’ve never had it so good, but will these products disrupt the market? And how are suppliers adopting AI?


Stephen Phillips Mainstream GenAI, emerging vendors and your offshore resourcing strategy
8th May 2024

How is GenAI revealing new insights from traditional datasets, and challenging the economics of offshore resourcing strategies?


Stephen Phillips AI prompting and AI-sourcing, US private companies, and Jinfo on YouTube
10th April 2024

When crafting AI prompts, think reference interview meets Boolean operators. What impact will AI have on outsourcing and offshoring?  Can you help us with our latest research into US Private company data?


Stephen Phillips AI practical actions, prompting and outsourcing
6th March 2024

How are Jinfo clients getting to grips with AI? How can you craft better AI prompts? Is AI-sourcing a viable alternative to offshoring/outsourcing? What's a Jinfo Jamboree?


Stephen Phillips GenAI and ESG wisdom of the Jinfo crowd
13th February 2024

Sharing GenAI insights and experiences, and preparing for big changes in ESG data.


Stephen Phillips Talking to vendors, talking to buyers (ESG, GenAI and YouTube)
10th January 2024

In 2024, we’re bringing you conversations with the key players on content purchasing, from both sides.


Stephen Phillips Review of the industry in 2023, and our 2024 plans
20th December 2023

Jinfo is focused solely on being the glue between the buy- and sell-side of information purchasing and provision. This final blog of 2023 reviews our activities this year, and looks forward to the full slate of work planned for 2024.


Stephen Phillips Empower your stakeholders
5th December 2023

An essential role for information managers is empowering content-purchasing budget holders.


Stephen Phillips "Need to know" content purchasing
8th November 2023

With a few "critical" vendors accounting for the bulk of the content purchasing budget, start asking your stakeholders what they "need to know" to find opportunities to optimise your content purchasing.


Stephen Phillips How do you articulate your value? Do you need to licence content for generative AI? Are you planning for your succession?
3rd October 2023

It is imperative to align and articulate your value when you are under pressure to reduce costs, and one CEO provides some insights.  Generative AI has massive potential, but licensing content for GenAI is a challenge and one we will discuss at our next Community session. Do you have a succession plan should you decide to move on? Learn more from our most recent report from Helene Russell.
