
Read what Jinfo clients are saying about Jinfo.

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July 2021

"I really value our competitive briefing sessions with Jinfo. You have helped us with our go-to-market strategy for a number of years, mainly around where we should focus our product strategy, how we should be messaging, and where the gaps, threats and opportunities are. We get great insights every time."

CEO of growing technology platform company, which supports information teams with efficiency and value-based reporting

June 2021

"We engaged with Jinfo Consulting to conduct Value Chain analysis to understand how our customers generate revenue and where our services in the research group add the most value. After working through the analysis, it was clear where we could best help the business grow value – and demonstrate to them our value. As a result, we were able to fine-tune our strategy, services and outreach. We are now building core services specific to the parts of the Value Chain where we have the greatest impact."

Information Manager, insurance industry

May 2021

"With your help, we have seen the difference the Information Centre of Excellence model makes. For example, since we implemented some simple changes in how we communicate with new joiners (as part of enabling end-users), we have seen a marked increase in response rates and use of training resources. Learning to think more like a user clearly pays off."

Lead, information and knowledge management, agribusiness

"My colleagues and I used your Known Fors activity, and we now have a vision as to who we are going to be. We already achieved ROI, as the activity was helpful when we unexpectedly had to create a job description and is now as I begin to develop marketing plans and communications – a sincere thanks!"

Director of Research and Information Services, international law firm

April 2021

"The opportunity to talk through [an upcoming renewal] with a neutral party helped reset my perspective on a challenging negotiation. It reminded me that I have control, and I do not have to comply with what a supplier has asked of me when I have good reasons for not doing so. It helped me define my key concerns – being able to pinpoint exactly what I need to focus on in negotiations and where I need to start gathering evidence. Most of all, it helped my confidence in dealing with the vendor."

Resource Manager for Strategic Insights, international accounting firm

April 2021

"We've received quarterly briefings as a valuable added service to our Jinfo Subscription for the past two years. These briefings bring Jinfo's industry research and market findings to life, providing detail from behind the research and helping us better understand the professional information market. The briefings also afford our team the ability to ask questions and drill deeper into topics that help us understand how we can better support our customers."

Market specialist director, business information provider

March 2021

"Our [content portfolio] briefing updated our knowledge of best practice – documenting our product evaluations properly, working with end-users to help them understand the difference between licensing and purchasing, and establishing consistent processes across the team. The reminder to re-invest in the basics is so helpful, especially from an external party."

Global administrator of information contracts, consulting firm

March 2021

"We love the results of the work we did with Jinfo Consulting. We live by our Pillars of Service and have completely structured all our work around them. It really resonated with the whole team. For us, it's a launch pad."

External information resources manager, global pharmaceutical company

August 2020

"As a result of working with Jinfo Consulting we have identified six key decisions to improve our stakeholder relationships for the long term. We feel like we have already made progress on this, and know we still have work to do. We need to be smart about making the tools and processes easy to use, with clear benefits to how we work, and not a burden!"

Lead, information and knowledge management, global agribusiness

August 2020

"We were keen to develop user groups in response to customer requests. Thanks to Jinfo"s expertise, guidance, and support, we designed and implemented online user groups successfully, bringing us into closer relationship with our customers and their needs while educating them about how to get more value from our offering."

CEO of Library Software provider