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"I love FreePint. It is the best newsletter that I get - actually it is the only one which I never throw in the bin without browsing through the content and at least read one piece of it. You guys are doing your job incredibly well. I like the light tone and personal touch, rather than the attempt to match everybody"s opinion.."


"I only discovered your terrific web site a few weeks ago, and since then have found it to be extremely well-constructed, quite user-friendly and refreshingly productive to my research. I am an author researcing material for two books simultaneously and have found the quality of responses garnered through your site to be exceedingly high and worthwhile.."


"Great newsletter. A jolly good read. You are definitely doing everything right! I always read it through, even though I am not in the information technology business. FreePint inspired me to start my own e-zine.."


"A quick note to thank you for the great job you are doing ... We would never know about all the good stuff on the Web if it wasn"t for FreePint!."

DS, Knowledge Manager, South Africa

"Your web site and its email newsletter are a continual source of information and inspiration. Keep up the good work!."

GG, Internet Business Manager, UK

"When things are going well, and when something like FreePint is consistently useful, interesting and stimulating - as it is - we don"t feel the need to give feedback. So - thank you - your efforts really are appreciated."

GC, Information Centre Manager, SA

"Thanks for all that I have learnt from FreePint over the years. It is the one completely indispensible email newsletter I get."