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"Since my job is to constantly learn about new products and to compare them to our current ones, I have definitely found a lot value in VIP."

Research Resources Coordinator for a multinational executive search firm

"Although I have been retired from paid work for many years, I still find FreePint informative and useful to keep up with technology and use some articles and book references for articles in Newsletters for which I am editor. Wish I could help you celebrate your 10th birthday. Good wishes."

Christchurch, New Zealand

"I have always found Freepint to be an interesting and informative organisation and always recommend it to new members of staff.

I wish you a very happy 10th Birthday - you should all be very proud of what you have achieved and the discussions/help you have enabled."

United Kingdom

"I have just joined FreePint - and was greatly impressed with the level of valuable responses I received. I needed info on the best and most useful online databases to use for a fashion industry research project. A complication however - the research was for the fashion industry in Korea. Nevertheless I was pointed to many hitherto unknown resources that have already yielded some valuable results. What more can you ask? Superb service. Although I am 100% teetotal (its true !) - this is one Bar I will frequent."

Prospective Fashion Entrepreneur
Carlisle, UK

"I am a lady of 80 years and have been reading your Newsletter for many years - always find it informative, have enjoyed many books that have been recommended, and passed on tips to my SeniorNet group - seniors teaching seniors. Carry on!"

Christchurch, New Zealand

"I have been a member for many years and although out of the work force, am a member of a SeniorNet group, offering computer tuition to retired folk. Many articles found in FreePint are very interesting, and form the basis of discussions and articles in our monthly newsletter."

Newsletter Editor
New Zealand

"I have been a keen user/reader of FreePint for many years - I don"t know how many of my Danish colleagues use this fantastic resource, but have just added an entry to my local network blog <http://mikronet.dk/weblog/?p=418> to spread the word. It is too good to keep to myself."

Information Finder/Translator

"VIP is an invaluable resource for keeping abreast of developments in the information world. Their in-depth product reviews are particularly helpful in staying current with the competitive landscape in which Global Reports operates, and provide another source of intelligence for understanding customer needs. Definitely on my must-read list."

Director of Business Development, United States

"I should really be lost without FreePint. Working as a solo [information professional], I always feel I can find someone to "talk to" when I need some assistance or another view on a problem."

Independent Information Researcher, Hawkes Bay New Zealand

"Thanks very much for what you guys are doing at the FreePint Student Bar. I am very impressed by the answers given to questions being asked. Keep up the good work. Bravo."

FreePint Student Bar Digest Subscriber