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"Since discovering ResourceShelf"s RSS feed, I"ve exponentially expanded my knowledge of useful research sources, both free and subscription based. I"ve really come to rely on it to keep me informed in a rapidly changing information environment."

Communications & Research Specialist, Minnesota

"I work as a solo librarian, so there is no one here to go to with information requests (except the mirror) and I frequently have to do some serious searching to find even a sniff of what they are seeking. One of the places I go first is ResourceShelf. Frequently there is something there to help me find what I am looking for and this has garnered me the reputation of know-it-all and fast info finder. Little do they know that I have you in my pocket, so to speak, and you and your staff have made my life easier and filled with loads of useful and interesting information. My family and outside friends also have benefitted from ResourceShelf and DocuTicker, and my two daughters in college love you also."

Librarian, public agency

"ResourceShelf is indispensable, truly. I find it very, very helpful."

Senior reporter, professional journal

"I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new format. I loved the content anyway, but the new format makes it *so* much easier to read.

"Thank you for continuing to offer and work on such a valuable resource!"

Senior information and research librarian

"Just wanted to let you know how much I like the appearance of the new DocuTicker Newsletter layout. It"s much easier on the eyes, and easier to scan the list of documents.

"My biggest problem with reading your newsletters is that they"re always so packed with interesting material that I really have to schedule a large enough block of time when I can not only scan the content but also explore selected documents. Thanks so much for making this great resource available for the asking."

Pat Shufeldt, retired librarian

"Thanks for the updated format! Love it!"

Peg Gillard, Assistant Principal, Colchester Middle School

"Useful article thanks. Was headed down the "lots of small wikis" path by default and your article made me see the issue with that."

"I look forward to receiving your newsletters and reports -- so often focused on issues we are grappling with in our organisation."

Helen Smith, Librarian/Information Services, Office of the Auditor-General, New Zealand

"I know of no other source that is as highly targeted to my work as an Information Manager at a corporate/investment bank. The commentary of industry leaders regularly supports decisions I make."

Kelly McNamara, Vice President, KeyBank

"I discovered FreePint this last year and it is one of the few "must reads" in the information industry - with an extremely interactive approach."

Ian Palmer, Head of Marketing at Reprints Desk