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"FreePint is the only industry publication for information professionals and it covers most of the things that an information professional needs. A must-read if you work in information."

Global Content Lead, Management Consulting

"As a service providing practical support and guidance for what professionals do FreePint is pretty unique and decent value for money."

<span style="color: #000000;">Executive Director, </span>Financial Services

"FreePint"s CoPs are: "extremely relevant" and "well worth attending"."

Information Centre Manager, Financial, Government

"FreePint is timely and responsive to topical issues. The service offers a really good catch-all for news and pointers on sources that you would otherwise not hear of. Tim Buckley Owen was on point with valuable insight within a couple of days of the Factiva change surfacing."

Knowledge Operations Head, Global Professional Services Firm

"It was really useful to get so much input from customers and hear their perspective - I have come into the office this morning full of things covered in the discussion and thinking about how we can learn from, and apply, what was shared."

Louise Green, Group Marketing Manager, Publishing

<span style="color: #000000;">"FreePint"s comprehensive vendor coverage saves considerable time when researching sources. It is also helpful to be able to get information on sources anonymously and without triggering a sales visit from a vendor. This frees up time for internal due diligence. The alternative would be to log onto each individual source website, have demos at an early stage etc."</span>

<span style="color: #000000;">Knowledge Operations Head, Global Professional Services Firm</span>

"I just spent some highly productive time on the FreePint site. In particular, I was reading articles from the Social Enterprise topic and also your excellent analysis of Lex Fenwick"s resignation.

"The articles are right on target and are information that we very much need."

Chief Librarian, Financial (Government)

"I am not tolerant of calls and meetings that waste my time, so when I say I found this [Communities of Practice] call valuable, I really did."

Head of Knowledge Management, Global Professional Services Firm

"Because of your position in the market you hear, discuss, research and write about all our vendor experiences directly. You are a powerful feeback channel for us to the vendors."

Library and Information Services Manager, Global Professional Services Firm

"FreePint has kept me in touch with library and archival news for over twenty years."

Librarian, Government