
Read what Jinfo clients are saying about Jinfo.

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"Jinfo is a really useful place to go, it has some great content."

Librarian, law firm

April 2019

"Jinfo"s communication training helped us better convey our value to our strategy staff. We"ve since used various channels to make our training programmes and resources more visible to our staff and they now recognise that our skills are integral to secondary research and a more strategic reorganisation was made to provide that focus."

Geeta Tirumalai, MLS, USP (United States Pharmacoepia)

"The Jinfo Webinars and Community sessions in particular are helpful, as the topics are always on point and it is good to be able to connect with a network of peers hearing about challenges and best practice from others in the field."

Katy Watt, senior manager - Information & Library Services, Wood Mackenzie

"The Research Focus helped us to see where our strengths are and what we must focus on. This greatly helps in positioning the team when we speak to senior management."

Barbara Reissland, owner, Library Consult

"The world of information vendors is one of constant change. I rely on Jinfo to inform me of new vendors and ways of working. It"s also saved me a lot of time when answering "Have you heard of so-and-so vendor" type questions."

Trainer and consultant specialising in information services

"I find Jinfo helpful in generating ideas and tracking new products and approaches."

Information specialist, business support agency

"It is easy to find vendor product details but sometimes difficult to find independent reviews of information products. Jinfo product reviews are inspirational for that reason."

Erik Sonne, Academic Librarian, Copenhagen Business School

January 2019

"Without the help of Jinfo Consulting, the process of exploring new markets would have taken longer, cost more, or simply not gotten done. With their help, we were able to make measurable progress on new sales in important new markets."

Leigh Walters, Chief Revenue Officer, TRG Screen

"The Jinfo product reviews provide a good mix of industry, business and legal coverage."

Senior librarian, legal sector

"The models and materials presented in today"s Community session will be incredibly useful for us - I"m going to look at us doing this mapping internally, in line with the Jinfo model for current awareness."

Izzie Finlayson, Senior Specialist, Wood Mackenzie Ltd