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"VIP provides me with an excellent source of reviews of all manner of relevant products. What better editorial team could there be than the people behind FreePint to report on products and news in the information market! I think this is positive testimony enough!

VIP"s monthly compilation of proper in-depth reviews provides me with plenty of objective information from which to make decisions on products I might be interested in. It is also an excellent way to keep up with the latest content and functionality improvements.

A great way to keep up-to-date in the fast-changing information world. Rather than be distracted with daily press releases, I much prefer the round-up of what"s important for me as an information manager in a large global corporation."

Jonathan Gordon-Till
Information Manager, UK

"I always look forward to FreePint. I teach research skills at a small college ... Whenever you have a feature article relevant to one of our majors ... I send an email about it to the relevant faculty. I"m so glad you provide this service and hope you can continue."

MT, Research Librarian, MA, USA

"As an information professional who spends a lot of time finding and collating current awareness material for other people, I really appreciate the value of VIP and VIP Eye.

Having the latest product and industry development news pushed to my inbox is a much-needed (and stress-free) way of keeping up-to-date with the trends and developments in our industry.

It"s my job to ensure my organisation is using the most relevant tools in the best way and VIP helps me do that."

Research Manager, UK Bank

"I would just like to say that FreePint is one of my top internet resources/tools - up there with Google! I look forward to the FreePints dropping into my inbox three or four times a week. I filter them, but invariably read them straight away anyway. I feel that being a member of the FreePint community has opened my eyes to all manner of things."

KB, Information Officer, UK

"I read your e-mag occasionally, and always make a note of the TOC for just in case. And I"ve often mentioned FreePint to others, in my travels. **You are indeed doing a great job - well done!**"

MD, Director of Business Development, UK

"I am in Indonesia, a librarian, and have kept copies of your newsletter that relate to my work from the very beginning. I also have your FreePint Bar digest and usually consult this "database" as a start for my search for an answer. It covers soo many things (almost anything).."

YW, Librarian, Indonesia

"Your editorial reminded me how easy it is to take the hard work of others for granted. I find FreePint an excellent service, good luck to you and all involved in it.."


"I"ve picked up on all sorts of useful tools and resources from Simon"s tipples and pub crawls. I"ve given and received advice and it"s opened my eyes to how much of a community the internet can be. I"m even thinking of becoming a FreePint author because I"d like to give something back!."

KB, Information Officer, UK

"I find FreePint extremely useful. The articles are timely, authoritative and readable ... I also like the fact that it is not sent to me too regularly. So well done and keep up the good work - FreePint is much appeciated.."

LD, Intranet & Training Service Coordinator, UK

"I"ve been a FreePinter for the last 3+ years, and in every issue I"ve found something to interest and engage me. I"m in awe of how knowledgeable my information colleagues are ... Thank you for starting this - and thank you for keeping on. It really does improve with age!."

ZW, Senior Information Officer, UK