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"I often reply to colleagues in search of information through FreePint Bar but was absolutely speechless whan I was contacted by a colleague (who I have not seen for 12 years) who had seen my reply on FreePint!!

I will continue to participate in the Bar and always find something of interest in the Favourite Tipples.

I have also been able to introduce other Library staff to FreePint who all find something of interest regardless of what sector of Library/Information work they are involved in."

Library/research assistant
EON UK LIbrary

"I recently posted my first question to the FreePint Bar after receiving a query from a client that was outside my area of expertise. Thanks to FreePint I received helpful advice right away and I was able to provide an accurate answer to my clients request for information, which she descibed as "fabulous". Thank you to FreePint and everyone who responded to my post!"

Kirsten Harte, Research Librarian
Natural Resources and Water Library Services
Brisbane, Australia

"VIP is a detailed analysis of new products and comparisons as well as viewpoints from senior figures - this gives a great insight into product development and trends."

Communications manager, business information vendor

"Great, Informative, helpful, friendly and very useful if you are stuck about some thing and cannot find the answer. Where ever you are in the world, it"s worth looking at. Best of all, it"s easy to use."

Electronic & Microprocessor Technician
Kent, United Kingdom

"I wait eagerly for each FreePint Newsletter. I keep them all I receive in a folder. I enjoy the special articles which are written by experts in the field and "My favourite Tiples". I used many of them in my day to day work. Thanks for the service"

I am a retired director of the Centre on Rural Documentation od the National Institute of Rural Development.
Hyderabad, India

"I discovered FreePint when I first ventured into the unfamiliar world of knowledge management back in the early 90"s. Since then the amazing mix of topics and specialities and useful links to online information has assisted me in my progression from a lawyer to Knowledge Manager back to lawyer again, using KM to assist clients achieve good governance practises. I love the new layout too - for a non-information specialist, the easy to navigate format is an added bonus. Keep up the great work!"

Kathleen Clothier LLB, MBA
Victoria, Australia

"A useful way of keeping up to date."

Information Librarian, West Sussex

"I"m not an IT expert or information specialist but find FreePint one of the most useful sites around. Thought-provoking discussion threads, and near instant answers to the most obscure questions make it an invaluable resource for anybody with an inquiring mind."

Environmental Engineer, Leeds, UK

"As a freelance researcher, I miss picking up intelligence about new sources etc. from colleagues in an office setting. FreePint provides me with a wonderful online community of peers all over the world, who share their collective wisdom."

Freelance Researcher, UK

"Even as a long time user in the United States -and I say even because of the European focus - Freepint is a welcome and artful blend of the pragmatic and the theoretical. I frequently click to recommended sites and sip my cup of green tea while reading the thought provoking articles and book reviews. Keep up the good work."

Executive Marketing Consultant, New Jersey, USA