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"For information professionals, who can often work independently within their company, the FreePint Bar provides a welcoming forum to ask those troublesome questions or share ideas with like minded colleagues. An informative and friendly place, well worth a visit."


"Being new in post, I was recently asked a question which I had very few ideas on how to answer. However, after posing the question to FreePint"s online community, I had all the information I needed within a few hours. A great service, which I find invaluable."

Peter Coyne, UK

"For those responsible for giving information, FreePint is an invaluable resource to receive it. Feedback, tips & guidance are offered freely from professionals also working in an information field. I wouldn"t hesitate to recommend FreePint to others working in information roles or otherwise"

Marie Milligan,
Information Coordinator,
Cultural Enterprise Office, Scotland

"FreePint is a highly effective online tool that enables you to post press releases, get your message across, create brand awareness, promote products or services, and above else; it keeps you informed... It is fast, easy to use, and absolutely "free"..."

Slavica Dummer, UK

"Excellent service of enormous value..."

"Christine Hamilton-Pennell"s article on Finding Competitive Information for Growing Companies is a brilliant source for a novice market analyst such as me"

"I have used the FreePint bar several times, and have been surprised at the speed and quality of the responses. Not every question has an answer, but as information-sharing on the web goes, FreePint is, and will remain, my first port of call for research issues! Thanks"

London, UK

"Christine Hamilton-Pennell"s article on Finding Competitive Information for Growing Companies is a brilliant source for a novice market analyst such as me"

"I am new to FreePint and I am already addicted to it. I am an info nut if you will and I can"t read enough. Keep it up FreePint, you have a customer for life."

Information Courier
Naples Florida, USA

"FreePint is an incredible range of resources for Info Professionals. If you don"t read the FreePint Newsletter you are not an Info Pro. If you don"t check the FreePint Bar you are not an Info Pro. And so on for the other FreePint resources!!"

Information Professional
United Kingdom