
Read what Jinfo clients are saying about Jinfo.

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"Wow! It's crazy how this is changing our world so quickly..." I am not on top of things at all with AI... but this helped bring me up to speed."

Information Leader, Legal

"I really enjoyed the Community session on generative AI and the follow up article. It's fascinating to learn what others are doing with this technology."

Data Librarian, financial services

"This checklist is awesome! It's also extremely timely as I'm being asked to formalise a lot of purchasing processes."

Information Leader, government agency

May 2023

"Jinfo Consulting helped us work through all our ideas, identify our priorities and define our deliverables. Now we have everything documented in a detailed project plan; the whole team is engaged and excited to be moving forward."

Information Leader, professional services

"It's great to hear that I'm not alone. It's reassuring to hear that others are facing the same issues and to have an opportunity (at Community sessions) to discuss strategies and solutions."

Information Leader, Professional services and pharma

"I thought the Community session was really interesting. It was helpful to think about managing vendors in the same way as managing a member of my team. I will definitely be putting your tips into practice with some of our vendors."

Information Leader, financial services

February 2023

"The Jinfo subscription is great, but we get the most value from these one to one consulting engagements that enable us to get the most out of your content, expertise and experience."

Information Leader, Scientific Medical Technical

"It's great to learn what others are doing through the Community sessions. Not only does it give you ideas, but being able to say it's done by others in the industry is a great way to get traction with vendors."

Information Leader, financial services

December 2022

"Great conversation today, our strategy group is going to love these new ways to articulate our value."

Information Leader, manufacturing

November 2022

"Jinfo has enabled me to build my relationship with my new manager, she doesn’t want too much detail but Jinfo has enabled me to pitch our work at the right level."

Head of Information, pharmaceutical company