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September 2016

"The consulting work we did last year on streamlining, automating and improving our workflow has definitely paid off. There was some resistance at first to increased automation, but now the team has really taken the challenge on board and actively looks for further improvements. We estimate that we"re now saving 40 hours of staff time every month due to these improvements."

Team leader in information management, Energy

"The ROI material provides a superb summary of key factors any information professional needs to consider when pondering how to increase ROI. Metric charts together with examples will help me draw a plan for value measurement and communication to stakeholders when it"s time to ask for funding or justify current budget."

Head of information services, Manufacturing

"We have been struggling to position ourselves, and our expertise together with this Research Focus has put us in a better position to articulate our knowledge and has helped us to plan our next steps forward."

Competitive intelligence manager, Manufacturing

"This Research Focus gives us a methodology to work with our expertise and that is valuable to us"

Team leader in information management, Manufacturing

"My role encompasses knowledge management and business development as well as information management and I"m delighted that the Jinfo content will cover all of these sectors"

Information Officer, Law firm

"I think that Jinfo is very good at articulating things that we need to consider."

Team leader in information management, manufacturing

"Jinfo"s Director of Consulting was a helpful guide as we tackled a review of current awareness platforms in 2015. As an outsider, Robin Neidorf"s pointed questions kept us on track and, at times, forced us to look at an issue in a different way. Her understanding of the industry greatly informed our decision making process."

Business information manager, Professional Services

"I found the webinars on IS/IT relationships enlightening as I continue to build relationships within my own IS organization and our various corporate IT departments. ... As a former software developer, I could read the articles "Working with People Who Think Fundamentally Differently to You" and "Make it Easy for IT Colleagues to Work With You" from both the IT and IS perspective. I shared the second article with our team to help them better communicate system issues to me, vendors, and IT for faster and more complete resolutions. Also, in the future I would like to work through the IS/IT Alignment Maturity Model process to identify where we may improve those relationships and accomplish our common goals."

Christine Simon, Systems Librarian, 3M

"I"m really getting tremendous value from the content. I also appreciate the "recaps", because they are a great reminder that I want to go back and take a closer look at a specific report."

Operations Leader, Technical Information Center, Manufacturing

"I find the webinars invaluable for my professional development."

Information Management Team Leader, Manufacturing