Amy Affelt
Amy Affelt is director, Database Research Worldwide, at Compass Lexecon, where she transforms information and data into knowledge deliverables for PhD economists testifying as experts in litigation. She authored a book, "The Accidental Data Scientist: Big Data Applications and Opportunities for Librarians and Information Professionals", writes the Big Data column for EContent Magazine, and is a well-known conference speaker. She has a BA in history, Phi Beta Kappa, from the University of Illinois at Chicago, a Master"s degree in library and information science from Dominican University, and is a Fellow of the Special Libraries Association.
Articles by Amy Affelt:
How information skills make a difference to data analytics
Thursday, 14th December 2017
Whether or not your organisation currently has big data initiatives in place, you should care about the data analysis process. If you are able to find high quality data, ensure that it is uncorrupted and applicable to research projects, review it to understand its implications, and communicate its meaning and impact to stakeholders, then you will be taking several concrete steps toward becoming an integral part of data teams in your organisation.
Librarians and data scientists - rivals, replacements, or reciprocal relationship?
Tuesday, 15th November 2016
The skills required to work in data science are not dissimilar to those required of information professionals. Are librarians being replaced by data scientists? Or, are librarians actually working as data scientists? Is it possible for the two to work side-by-side in complementary and mutually beneficial roles? Amy Affelt investigates.
Big Data = Big Opportunity
Tuesday, 20th November 2012
Harvard Business Review listed "data scientist" as the "sexiest job of the 21st century". Librarians and information professionals are data scientists, as well as experts in finding, evaluating and transforming data and information into insightful deliverables that enable strategic decision-making. If we gain a basic understanding of how Big Data can be used to solve problems in the industries in which we work, we can gain a place at the table when Big Data initiatives are unveiled in our organisations.
Big Data: The Opportunity Formerly Known as Information Overload
Tuesday, 20th November 2012
Industry focus on Big Data represents a huge opportunity for information professionals. In many senses, we have worked with Big Data for our entire careers. We can leverage that experience, along with our expert ability to locate, evaluate and transform data and information into knowledge products, in order to advance our organisations’ bottom lines.
From information retrieval to integrated intelligence - with Dow Jones
23rd January 2025
AI contracting and licensing; Strategic information managers; End-user training
10th December 2024
- Jinfo Community session (TBC - Mar 2025) (Community) 20th March 2025
- Jinfo Community session (TBC - Feb 2025) (Community) 25th February 2025
- From information retrieval to integrated intelligence - with Dow Jones (Community) 23rd January 2025