Chris Vestal

Chris Vestal is a contract employee of ASRC Management Services in Washington, D.C. supporting its contract with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. He supervises a team of patent researchers and assists patent examiners researching subjects related to patent applications in the fields of nanotechnology, optics, magnetic resonance, and musical instruments. An active member of SLA, he was recipient of its 2010 Rising Star Award.

Currently he serves as Communication"s Secretary for the Washington DC Chapter of SLA, overseeing the chapter"s online presence.

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Articles by Chris Vestal:

Information that fits the job just-right - A VIP Editorial
Wednesday, 20th June 2012

As a patent researcher, on any given day I'm basically on a digital scavenger hunt, trying to find just the right piece of information that could fit my client’s needs. Instead of an entire article or report, oftentimes it comes down to finding one or two sentences in lengthy publications to help disprove an invention’s novelty.