Jayne Dutra

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Articles by Jayne Dutra:

Enterprise Search: Rethinking it in a Web 2.0 World
Thursday, 1st November 2007

In the Land of Web 1.0, we would search by looking for a small box in the top corner of a website. The user would be expected to know a magical keyword or some other bit of information that would unlock the door to a cascade of results ready to be winnowed by hand into piles of carefully hoarded treasure. Publishing to the Web was controlled by a few individuals called 'webmasters' and data was carefully guarded behind moats and firewalls in castles called database stores. Search engines were composed of spiders that crawled the Web to find pages rendered in HTML, which made them understandable only to advanced human intellect and not re-use friendly. Search had to 'stink', which always seemed a bit unsanitary.

Enterprise Search: Rethinking it in a Web 2.0 World
Thursday, 1st November 2007

In the Land of Web 1.0, we would search by looking for a small box in the top corner of a website. The user would be expected to know a magical keyword or some other bit of information that would unlock the door to a cascade of results ready to be winnowed by hand into piles of carefully hoarded treasure. Publishing to the Web was controlled by a few individuals called 'webmasters' and data was carefully guarded behind moats and firewalls in castles called database stores. Search engines were composed of spiders that crawled the Web to find pages rendered in HTML, which made them understandable only to advanced human intellect and not re-use friendly. Search had to 'stink', which always seemed a bit unsanitary.